The Histamine Harmony Method

Balance your histamine, heal the gut, and reclaim your life!

Before your debilitating symptoms showed up, you were active, happy, and had the energy to do the things that you love...

Now, those symptoms are getting in the way of everything.

⬇️ Does this sound familiar?

😵Are your chronic symptoms taking over your life?

😴Are you up all night and desperate for a good night's sleep?

😕Is your brain so foggy you can hardly function some days?

😪Does your chronic fatigue keep you from doing things you love?

😟Do you take medications to relieve your symptoms but are frustrated by the side effects?

😩Have you ever felt like you want to crawl out of your own skin?

😖Are you frustrated with doctors who just don't take you seriously?

You’re doing your best to do all the things you could do before you got sick, but day-to-day living is a struggle.

You know you need to make changes, but there is just so much noise out there about what to do and how to do it. How do you know what would work for you?

You go to one doctor’s appointment after another, but you don’t feel seen or heard. The advice you’re given doesn’t make sense for your life.

You’re doing everything you can just to even manage your symptoms, but you’re left feeling isolated and alone.

It is possible to feel like yourself again.

Your body is not your enemy, it’s just letting you know something has to change.

There is something you can do, something you’ve not yet figured out or been able to put into practice.

Remission is possible.

Imagine This...

✔️ You are in control and you know what your body is telling you.

✔️ You know your triggers.

✔️ You have developed personalized strategies to deal with stress, flares, and the unexpected.

✔️ You see progress in your health and your life.

✔️ You feel seen and heard.

✔️ You feel empowered and know that you are the best expert when it comes to your body.

You are the expert in your own life.

I support what works for you, your life, and your body so that you can feel your best.

Support and guidance



During our time together, here are some examples of what we might work on:

Elimination diet guidance and education - You will have access to The Histamine Harmony Method educational resources, recipes, and guides.

Establishing a vision - What does success look like? Connecting back to your values and intention setting

The Lifestyle Essentials - To recover from daily stressors like good sleep, food for fuel, and daily movement

Mindset - Redefining success, working through limiting beliefs, recognizing self-defeating behaviours, developing self-worth

Self-Care - Developing regular daily practices to help you recharge, get quiet and lower chronic stress

Time Management - Tools, techniques and practices

Energy management - Understanding what drains your energy and then finding ways to recharge and refuel for sustainable energy

Daily Routines - To set you up for success

Establishing Boundaries - Learning to say no, establishing priorities and being assertive

Habits - Mastering new habits to support sustainable health and wellness change

Connection - Re-establishing connection to yourself and the things you love; hobbies, people, places, interests

Building resilience - Building both emotional and physical resilience to maintain health in the face of chronic stress

What's included?

  • 1 foundation coaching session to identify obstacles and establish a plan
  • 6 bi-weekly coaching sessions to support you along the way
  • Access to private messaging between sessions so that you never feel alone
  • Educational materials and worksheets are provided
  • Access to The Histamine Harmony Method guides, printables, and recipes
  • Access to functional medicine labs

The Histamine Harmony Method Program is for those who are feeling sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

You want to take back your power and feel vibrant again.

If you are seeking coaching, guidance, and support.

Coaching means that you get direct access to me during our sessions and messaging support in between sessions as needed. I will be there coaching you throughout our time together to help you stay accountable.

If you are seeking to take back your body.

Chronic urticaria and histamine intolerance comes with a lot of uncertainty and exhaustion. I can help you get clear on where you’re going and how to get there. You will have a step by step plan to guide you on the path to remission.

If you are craving conversations with a non-judgmental listener.

Think of me as your thinking partner. Together, we’ll discover your own solutions, using the wisdom, strengths, and abilities you already have. We’ll create solutions that are personalized to fit your body, your unique circumstances, and what you want most out of your life. I work with you to create personalized systems and tools that meet you where you are.

Hi! My name is Sarah. I am a former nurse turned functional medicine health coach.

I specialize in helping women with chronic hives reduce symptoms and improve quality of life.

I seek to empower you to take back your power over your body, mind, and spirit so that you can live a whole and happy life.

See what my clients say.

"I feel a significant difference in my hives.

Thank you, Sarah, for being there for me, you genuinely helped me as a good friend."

-Jagwinder Singh Ratol

Sarah gave excellent suggestions. She really listened to me and took an interest to make a plan together. I am now for sure more focused on myself and taking self-care more seriously. I'm more toned now and I meal prep. Sarah's reminders helped keep me on track. Sarah created a comfortable, safe space for discussion. Sarah was a perfect fit for my needs. Always helped me to set attainable goals but pushed me. It's worth the investment in yourself.

-Kristina Baxendale

© Thrive With Hives

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